Monday, February 25, 2008

Eyes of Eilistraee: Fixes and scripts

Just a quick update this morning - larger ones to follow this week when I get the chance to re-size some new screenshots. My main focus over the last couple of weeks has been fixing a few long term bugs and adding bits of missing content (adding effects to creatures, removing content no longer needed and tweaking scripts).

The biggest addition to the module as a whole is the use of the Bioware tilemagic system to apply different tile effects to areas. I'd always planned to use this but just hadn't got round to it until now. Tilemagic has let me create ice caverns with ice and pits that actually look like pits! I now have a tilemagic system that uses variables on the area to determine what tile will be changed and where, whilst a default script takes care of the rest. So far it works well apart from some issues with tile effects not showing up in the city interior tileset.

Thanks for the comments on the previous post - it's good to know there are nwn players out there! Regarding the level of Eyes of Eilistraee - well it's not set in stone but I'm aiming at a starting level of 10 -12 (although encounters should balance to a wider range). As usual the player will get bumped to the minimum starting level if required at the start of the mod.

That's it for now. Just a quick plug for the guys over at - keep up the good work guys. For anyone who hasn't been tuning in, the podcasts are well worth checking out.
