Friday, May 11, 2007

Eyes of Eilistraee: Bug stomping

Bugs are the most annoying thing in the world. I've spent a chunk of time trying to figure out why a certain NPC wasn't spawning to deliver some plot critical dialogue. Turns out the variable I was checking was... er... the wrong one. Argh! That's a real basic error that I should have picked up on. Ah well, the good news is that now this bug is fixed key parts of the storyline can be reached and many more aspects of the module are falling into place.

Before I go, and because I'm sure everyone loves a good ogre screenie - here's another ;)



Anonymous said...

Eyes of Eilistraee seems to be coming along nicely. :)

Still following the project - and grudgingly trying to come to grips with it being done for NWN... ;)

Seriously, it's looking very cool. :)


eR said...

Thanks Lariam ;)

This will be my last NWN project, so everything to follow EOE will be NWN2. Although I'll have to catch up on my NWN2 toolset skills, I hope that the utility scripts I've built up can be migrated to NWN2 - which would save a lot of work in the future!


Lariam said...

Glad to hear that you've got some plans for NWN2, too. :)