Monday, March 31, 2008

Eyes of Eilistraee: Progress, progress

About a week ago I took a long hard look at my "todo" list for Eyes of Eilistraee. A lot of it was really simple stuff that could be sorted out quite quickly. These things got done over the last week; fixing minor bugs, adding or correcting scripts, deleting redundant NPCs, moving triggers etc.

There are still small things that need sorting out but now the list contains mainly core stuff that still hasn't been done yet. This actually makes it look scarier than before : (. There are some fairly big tasks on there that I still need to think carefully about.

Time to take stock I think and look at the value of adding the features on the list versus polishing and improving what is already in the module.

Despite the work left, a big success story is that the introduction to the story has had its overhaul completed and the swine of a cutscene that I could never get to work has been fixed. The beginning of the story feels much more natural than it did before.

On a final side note NWN podcast guys have an interview with Adam Miller that is worth checking out. Adam doesn’t give away huge insights into his design approach but there’s some useful general advice on mod building – and it’s really cool to see such a well respected module maker turn out to be actually quite humble, and pretty funny.



Anonymous said...

Hey Elven! Thanks for the mention of the podcast! If you ever have news you want us to play in the podcast, please call in to nwnpodcast on Skype and leave us a voice mail!

Anonymous said...

Thank you ER for the shout. Adam was great to interview. And yes. he was funny and enjoyable to talk to. :)