Monday, February 13, 2006

A new module in the works!

The last time I checked the vault ( I noticed that I had a few comments on the Pawns download page stating that is was a shame that Pawns of the Shadovar was the only module I'd released thus far. Well for all those folks who are interested (and who bump into this blog ; ) ) fear not, I am working on a new module.

The module in development (my third if I include "The Last Blood of Malavhan" which sadly died along with my last hard disk) has an entirely new storyline and is set in the Forgotten Realms. It's called Eyes of Eilistraee and focuses a power struggle for two legendary gem stones created by a drow goddess called (yes you've guessed it..) Eilistraee. For this module I plan to really develop the player's henchmen with a view to creating a group of interesting characters who'll regularly interact with the player (A la Baldur's Gate 2) and hopefully make adventuring a lot more fun.

I'm planning to keep this blog updated with the module’s progress as often as I can. So far I have:

  • Almost all of the areas built in skeleton form (few placeables and no NPCS) in the toolset.
  • Created introductory characters and background info characters for the main quest in the toolset.
  • Created a number of encounter templates and hostile creature blueprints.
  • Developed my own scaleable encounter system.
  • Planned out a ton of conversations, encounters and general quest and main plot progression on paper (word docs, txt files and spreadsheets).

There's a lot of work still to do but I think planning wise I'm pretty much done. I'm sure my plans will change along the way, but at least now I'm in a position to implement almost all of the main storyline (and its variable paths) into the module via the toolset.

I'll keep you posted.


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