Friday, January 09, 2009

Happy New Year!

A Happy New Year to one and all! Yet again I fear that further roles against your patience skill are required before we'll see the completion of Eyes of Eilistraee. Due to time limitations and the death of an Operating System (XP died on my home PC) the last quarter of '08 saw very little in the way of progress. I can only apologise to the faithful for this.

On a brighter note the New Year has seen the full recovery of my home PC (following a painful re-install) to be followed by the restoration of my NWN dev environment - fear not, recent backups meant that nothing was lost when XP died.

Because Eyes of Eilistraee is becoming a stranger (even to me) I've decided to review the current build from scratch before doing any more work on it. I've already decided to cut the prologue from the mod as it never really made sense for the story and frequently caused me headaches. Since it's departure I feel that, free time permitting, I can now focus on the core of what was and is good about the mod and make the story ring truer.

In the hope that more mod time is on the horizon, I'll say "more to come soon". But for now my thanks for your continued interest ; )


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