Friday, March 17, 2006

A Time for Focus: Dialogue

With the development of custom content progressing (see the previous post), it's about time for me to hit some design milestones on Eyes of Eilistraee. Until recently I'd almost forgotten that building a NWN (Neverwinter Nights) module can turn into a huge task, especially if you're trying to do it right!

Right now I have to focus on some key dialogues that introduce the main quest to the player. The trick, as always, is to give just enough information away to dangle the carrot in front of their noses whilst not turning on the hint fountain and soaking the player in obvious clues. Wish me luck in making sure Holgar the Settler doesn't sound like a reader on the news at six.



Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah aka S-sama here.

Just stopped by to see how the module was coming. I figured that it was turning out to be a real doozy. ^_^ I realized and didn't realize the amount of work that must go into something like this. I tip my hat to you, sir. I have neither the technical skill or the patience.


eR said...

Hi Sarah! Thanks for the message! I know that your skills lie in another area :) - good luck with your artwork, and thanks for stopping by.