Well the Christmas break gave me a good chance to put in a lot of work on Eyes of Eilistraee. After some exploring I found that the HOTU random and non-random banter triggers for conversations with party members didn't quite do everything I needed - so I wrote a new one. This has turned out to be a wise move since now I can quickly add in banter conversations between henchmen at appropriate points of the story, just by laying down a trigger and setting 3 variables on it.
Eyes of Eilistraee now has a new sort of prologue area that introduces the player to one of the main characters and helps to set up motivation for the main quest, as well as giving them a mini intro quest to get stuck into. Speaking of the main quest, I've added a number of elements that make the story a bit more of a personal journey of discovery. The player can now learn how to unlock and wield special abilities that are stored up inside strange rune-like scars on the palms of his hands.
With a lot of new stuff going in, the next job is to tidy it up and make sure the module is stable from start to finish - with the new content.
My hope is that the end is in sight - after almost 2 years of on and off development I really want to be getting close to something that can at least go out to beta and then released. Then I can start *playing* games again ;)